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Neo Born

On June 16, 2024, our youngest son, Neo, turned 3 years old. He's never been shared on social media. We've never felt like it was the right time to share him, until now.

Neo was consciously conceived after months of our other children begging for us to have another baby. I decided that if we were going to have another baby, I needed us to prepare more than in the past pregnancies. So Jackson and I went through a deep, month long journey of mind, body & spiritual cleansing to prep ourselves to create this incredible being. This consisted of a deep parasite cleanse - prepping for over a week with specialized herbs, reducing our food intake, and mentally preparing to not eat and to receive colon hydrotherapy sessions for nearly two weeks + a gall bladder and liver cleanse. This experience was profound, leading us to uncover some of our deepest unhealthy ancestral patterns that were playing out in our relationship, and healing them.

During this process, Jackson's beloved mother passed away after years of health challenges.

Though deep in grief, we conceived our baby.

Given all we were experiencing with grieving, the pregnancy, and the global shutdown from the pandemic, I opted to hire a midwife for this birth, despite not fully believing I needed one. Our first son, Vervain, was born unassisted on the land, but I felt we might need the additional support, as Vervain's birth was incredible, yet so much was on Jackson. So we hired an amazing midwife and her assistant that our dear friend had just worked with.

This pregnancy was the easiest of all 3 of my children. I attribute that to the preconception preparation we did. I had zero nausea and very little discomfort throughout. We also had the most amenities we've ever had on the land & were so much more comfortable in general.

Neo's pregnancy was my longest gestation, and the night before his due date, I woke to feeling contractions and looked at the clock - it was 12:44am. I went to the bathroom and out came the mucus plug. I knew he was coming. I texted my midwife to let her know what was happening and went back inside to labor quietly alone in the sweet darkness of our hale. As the sun started to rise, Jackson walked me to our tiny house where I was planning to birth, and where my mom was staying. We woke her up and she went to be with the other children until I was ready for them. I labored in the tiny home and our midwife arrived and started to immediately set up the birth tub outside on the lanai. It was the first time we had ever had pressurized hot water in our home - a major upgrade with the help of many helpful friends.

As the sun rose, I was ready to get into the tub, and my dear sister Yoni arrived to photograph and film. I asked Jackson to go get Stellar, and she was the most amazing calm presence at 6.5 years old. Vervain and my mom arrived shortly after for the birthday party. This labor was by far the most intense of them all. And I knew that as I pushed his head out that I tore. The first time it's happened. Through the intense roars, Neo was born on June 16, 2021 at 8:44am, exactly 8 hours after I woke with contractions, into his father's hands, surrounded by his sister, brother and grandmother. A perfect little boy.

While this birth was beautiful, safe, and without any medical issues, there is one thing that I had a very hard time with...

The midwife's assistant touched and rubbed Neo's body as soon as he was born. You see, I was very very clear with my midwife and her assistant on multiple occasions during our prenatal appointments that I didn't want anyone to touch or talk to me or my baby after he was born. I wanted that moment to process without any interruption. And you can see in this video, that was not honored. I don't believe Neo needed anyone other than me and his own family to touch him in that moment. And it didn't hit me until over a year later how much that affected me - to have spoken my wishes, with what I thought was such clarity, and have them not remembered.

My midwife & her assistant brought this up to me a day or so after the birth, & at that time, I hadn't looked at videos or photos, & hadn't really even fully processed what had happened. They apologized, & at the time, I didn't think much of it. But over a year later, when editing this video, I found myself so upset. I share this not to put anyone on blast, I love these women and know that we are all doing our best in each moment, but to remind mothers and families that if you invite others into your birth space, they might do things you don't want. It was a reminder to me to be very careful of making decisions for the benefit of others, and also to communicate my wishes not only to the hired professionals, but to everyone else who will be attending the birth. C’est la vie.

Now, after 3 years, it feels so perfect to finally share our son with the world.

We love you Neo!

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Music by: Ayla Nereo - Little Garden

Filmed by: Yoni Rivers @earthtoyoni

Edited by: Melissa Nash @beeing.melissa



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